
Cat woman Hathaways’ Fitness and Diet

From killer eyes to perfect hourglass figure, Anne Hathaway has it all! Born in 1982, Hathaway started off her career with acting in small TV series, but soon she transformed herself to be the very sexy ‘cat-woman’—winning awards and setting a new standard in Hollywood film industry. Apart from Globe, Emmy, Bafta and Actors Guild, the young actress also won the Oscar in 2013, for ‘Les Miserables’.

So what does it take, to be the most desired woman of the era, to be able to flaunt those perfect curves and postures?  It takes a great deal of dedication, hard work and discipline. If you want a figure like the cat woman, you will have to religiously follow her diet and her fitness routine.

Diet Essentials

Remember, it’s always more important to categorise foods into two kinds: the healthy food and the unhealthy food. You have to figure out your body and its needs. Hathaway makes sure that her diet is anti-inflammatory— comprising of whole grains (to control blood sugar), ample amount of nuts and veggies for protein and also vegetables that contain high levels of antioxidants (dark green leafy vegetables, turmeric, ginger).

Keep in mind that the goal is not just cutting down on calories, but also in keeping your body strong and healthy. Therefore, make sure you get sufficient amount of food so that your body never runs short of energy or feels exhausted. Jackie Keller, Anne’s personal nutritionist coach, has said that she had to make sure Anne gets a gluten-free dessert every day, so that she has no cravings. In fact, during the shoot of dark Knight, Anne used to eat every two to three hours in a day, consuming almost 1500-1800 calories, so that her muscles remain fuelled for the action sequences.
While shooting ‘Les Miserables’ where Hathaway played the role of a prostitute, she had to reduce enormous amount of weight for which she had to go through almost starvation for two whole weeks. Anne highly discourages this diet and admits that this could make you too thin, or too weak.

 Daily Workouts
Our cat-woman, Anne Hathaway, has very openly admitted that she was one of us: hated working out, gyms bored her. However, before starting with the Dark Knight, Anne found her dedication for relentless workout sessions for the first time. During the training of Dark Knight, she had to go through intense workout sessions at the gym: lifting weights, practising martial arts, attending yoga sessions; she realised that getting skinny is not the only aim-- she had to be strong and train her muscles for the terrific action sequences.
Celebrity trainer Ramona Braganza trained Anne Hathaway for Dark Knight and Braganza says that it was important for Anne to exercise daily and so she devised a routine with a mix-and-match of exercises each day, to make the sessions less monotonous. Cardio exercises were very important because it kept the heart young and healthy, and also helped in burning calories rapidly.
Anne has always recommended eating healthy, drinking ample amount of water and doing basic yoga, to live a healthy, fat-free life.

Cat woman Hathaways’ Fitness and Diet Cat woman Hathaways’ Fitness and Diet Reviewed by PKB on 9:34 AM Rating: 5